1. IVET - Student Portal
  2. Assessments & Observations
  3. Final Grading and Common Assessment Issues

Final Grading and Common Assessment Issues 

Final Grading 

Once your assessment has been marked, you will receive a final grading for your submission, which will be either a Satisfactory (S) or a Not Satisfactory (NS).  

Receiving a S result is the equivalent of a pass. You will need to receive a S for all assessments and observation task requirements in order to complete and receive a Competent (C) grading for the unit. 

Receiving a Not Satisfactory (NS) result, whether it be for one or all assessment and observation tasks within the unit, will result in a Not Yet Competent (NYC) grading and will lead to an overall fail in the unit. You will not be entitled to a completion certificate if you receive this grading.  

If you have any concerns over the marking and grading of your assessments, speak directly with your Trainer and adhere to your school’s policies. You can also refer to IVET’s Complaints and Appeals Policy, which can be found on our website Policies page: https://www.ivetinstitute.com.au/policies/ 

Common Assessment Issues 

  • Uploading large file sizes can often take a long time, and is dependent on the upload speed of the internet you are using. Where possible, try to keep file sizes small. If you’re working on a video file, change the resolution to SD/720p resolution, rather than HD/1080p, to ensure the file size remains smaller and causes no issues when you are trying to upload.  
  • Assessment question responses are not saving – if this happens, firstly ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Try logging in and out of the Portal or using a different computer. If it continues to happen, contact IVET directly and we can help troubleshoot the issue. 
  • If you are struggling to understand an assessment question, or require support on your unit resources, your Trainer should be your first point of contact. They will be able to help you understand what is required or direct you to what you need to do.  
  • If you are having technical issues with the IVET Portal, then IVET is your best contact point and you can email us at admin@ivet.edu.au, call us on 1300 000 823, complete the Contact IVET form on our website or use the blue Help bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the Portal to send us a direct message.